Monday, October 29, 2007

The Sisters of Mt. Tabor

I'm not Catholic, and I'd never been to a convent or monastery, so I had few expectations for my upcoming experience with the sisters of Mt. Tabor. We have a copy of St. Benedict's Rule at home, which admonishes adherents to refrain from excess food, drink, and even conversation. I imagined that the sisters would be strict adherents to these rules, so I expected to meet women who were kind, but restrained, introspect women who walked at a slow contemplative pace, women whose focus would be inward and upward. Well, in large part, I was wrong. These women are contemplative, they are a contemplative community, but they are also active. Very active. A slow, measured pace would be impractical. These gals, when not praying, go at full speed. Be sure to read the bios of each to discover the passions for the poor, the young, the elderly, those seeking justice, those seeking beauty. The sisters are seekers, and they draw seekers, seekers of place, of discernment, of connection. However, the sisters are a lot more fun than the women I'd pictured. Laughter, the many sounds of laughter, giggles, chortles, snickers, and snorts sound out "whenever two or more are gathered." That's the gift they give. Whatever one seeks, one comes away with a sense of joy. Hospitality is hard. Work is hard. Discipline is hard. So, joy is necessary. Joy is what God intends, in Christ. Here, demonstrating this sense of fun and joy, the sisters pose for what I call, "3 cheers for Christ!" Pictured front: Postulant Mary; left to right: Sr. Carolyn, Sr. Eileen, Sr. Jan, Prioress Sr. Judy, and Sr. Kathleen.