Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Close encounters of the reptilian kind

One final bit -- Little dog Sophie (see pic, 9/24) may have saved my life. I was in the guest house doing my laundry when I heard Sophie barking like mad. I thought she was pestering the cats, so I went outside to stop her, and there she was in a fang to fang showdown with what was probably a copperhead. She was barking and lunging and the snake was making a show of striking her. I called her inside, no small task since she's a born fighter, plus the dogs aren't allowed in the houses. She finally did come to me, and I whisked her inside, out the other side of the house, into the Ford, and up the hill to the main house. I say she may have saved my life b/c where the snake was coiled was right where I'd set down the watering can less than an hour before, and I'd planned to keep watering after putting in wash! Sophie's a spoiled girl, but she's a very, very, good, brave, spoiled girl. Thank you, Jesus, for tough little dogs, in particular, one certain Jack Russell terrier.


T said...

Well OK, Sophie's stock just went up a bit!

Mom & Dad said...

Dear Stacey:

Your experiences are all over the
lot --from deeply spiritual to
deathly frightening. The Lord is
with you.

We told Sister Maura about your
blog. She just emailed us that she
could not get into it. So we then
forwarded her email to Terence to
let him puzzle it out.

Keep up the good work.
Mom and Dae